The Princess of Pixie Kingdom

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Joyce, and she was the princess of a distant kingdom, called the Pixie Kingdom. She lived only with her mother, Queen Grace, since her father King Albertsson, died due to a case of severe genital herpes.
One day, the Queen asked Joyce that she is about to retire, and that in order for her daughter to inherit the throne, she must find a very handsome-looking prince to marry to continue the kingdom. The princess agreed, and began settling out on a very extraordinary adventure.
When walking through the Wonder Forest, Princess Joyce senses a strange atmosphere around her. She then decides to check into what was going on behind the hidden bushes, and we can clearly see a dirty-dressed creep who kidnapped other girls in order so they could become his slaves.
“One of you, get in the cart”, shouted the man. “Especially you! We are going to discipline your hell of an ass at all costs!”
“What’s a “discipline”?”, asked the princess who was obviously a closeted lesbian.
As soon as the cart drove away, Princess Joyce went into a journey to see what was going on before it was too late.
After hours and hours of chasing a mysterious cart with lead to an ominous building, the princess went into the building, discovering that the other princesses were being treated like slaves of the man who abducted them.
“Hey, are you there?”, asked a talking bug who Joyce didn’t even know personally.
“No. Who are you?”, Joyce asked.
“My name is Sultan. Sultan the Stinkbug. I am here to inform you what this place is used for” replied the bug.
“Alrighty, then. My name is Princess Joyce of the Pixie Kingdom”, Joyce said. “My job is to inherit the throne before my mother’s retirement and her death, but in order to do so, I have to find a handsome prince who would be fit to marry”
“Joyce, Princess of Pixie Kingdom?” Hey, I’ve been knowing your name for years, but that’s not what we’re gonna focus on right now”, Sultan said.
“Are you going to explain regarding this strange place?”, Joyce asked.
“Well, it is pretty simple”, Sultan replies. “It is a slave area run by a corrupt and profoundly dangerous slave master named Remnant, and his goal is to capture every princess across all kingdoms and making them his personal slaves by any means he can, through forced labour”
“Well, I can see why a lot of girls here are stressed out and upset now”, Joyce said.
“Well, there’s no time to lose! Come with me, we’re going on a mission to stop the evils of Rapeaton immediately!”, Sultan shouted.
As said, both Sultan the Stinkbug and Princess Joyce were going out for a mission to foil the Lord’s plans. They hide behind the curtains while spying on the master enjoying all the foot-licking and fellatios done by his unwilling properties. Joyce feels the need to kill him, but Sultan tries to prevent her.
“Stop!”, shouted Sultan. “It is dangerous to attempt to kill Lord Rapeaton at the form you are in now. If you do, then he will instantly attack you back no matter how weak or strong you are”
“But Sultan, is there another way to get rid of that bastard?”, asked Joyce.
“The only way to get rid of Remnant is to activate the Heart of Pixel Kingdom, which is at the middle of the crown you’re wearing” said Sultan. “It helps you transform into a powerful fairy-like form that can easily scare your enemies off based on your appearance”
“Well, I guess it’s time for revenge”, said Joyce
Joyce goes off to disguise herself as a sex slave in order to please Lord Rapeaton. Lord Rapeaton sees her, and starts forcing her to do things Joyce normally doesn’t allow.
“Get down on your knees and obey!”, shouted Remnant.
“Yes, master”, replied Joyce.
Remnant then shows his gigantic gonorrhoea-infected foot towards Joyce, in which she stares in pure fright since she has never seen a foot like this in her entire life before.
“Clean it!”, Rapeaton shouted.
“Okay, master”, mumbled Joyce.
For some reason, Sultan ran off to hide himself while Joyce was posing as a slave for Remnant, until a glowing red light emerged from her crown. As soon as everyone covered their eyes, Joyce transformed into her powered-up form, and the entire kingdom had its time and space frozen. Now, there is no choice, but Sultan has to be forced to see the epic final battle...which is not really a battle.
“WHAT?!”, shouted Remnant.
“She’s awakening her true powers!”, shouted a captured girl.
The super form of Princess Joyce left many in the building in shock, and no one even has bothered to say a single word. Everyone remained silent at that point, and it was a huge threat to Remnant.
“Remnant!”, said Joyce. “Your enslavement of terror is over now! No girl should be suffering under your name, and with the power of the True Supreme Fortune Teller, you won’t be doing any harm...anymore!”
Joyce then finishes her sentences by calling on her deadly black magic spell.
“Exitiale Anthrax!”
Joyce releases a ball of red light from her chest, and fires it at Remnant, who fatally dies from the blow, ending up with the entire building being destroyed, freeing all the girls.
“You did it, Joyce!”, yelled Sultan the Stinkbug. “You saved all the girls, and now Remnant cannot do any harm anymore!”
“Hehe, yeah”, said Joyce. “But, how about finding a prince? My mom is going to retire soon, and I have to find a man so I can inherit the throne!”
“Don’t worry, Joyce. I know what a real man’s interest is”
Sultan takes a final step as he touches the ruby gem in the middle of Joyce’s crown, as he transforms into his true self: a human prince. Joyce is already shocked to believe that he was a stinkbug all the time, but his name isn’t the same...
“My name is not Sultan...”, said the prince.
“So...who are you, then?”, asked Joyce.
“My real name is Merkel, and I have been finding you for a while now. You know, before I got to see you, I was a normal prince looking for a princess, until my parents cursed me with a spell as per orders from the Fortune Teller, claiming that I should stay away from girls because I was made to believe the idea that they were all arrogant and looked for attention...but you, Joyce, is the only girl I’ve known that wasn’t what I was made to think”
Everything was quiet across the forest, and Joyce had no other words to say about this truth. She already knew from the beginning that it was something unusual about Sultan, before revealing himself as Prince Merkel.
“So...will you marry me?”
Joyce still didn’t want or say anything to her prince, and she left there in complete nervousness until she spoke it out.
“Sure...I will.”
A few years later, the couple happily married together while Remnant was eternally being tortured and burned in hell by Satan. And so on after the marriage, both Princess Joyce and Prince Merkel, who became queen and king of the Pixie Kingdom, got four children lived happily ever after.
The end.